Adapting to a Changing Shoreline: Climate Impacts on Connecticut’s Coast
A presentation by Julianna Barrett, PhD.
Saybrook Point Resort and Marina
2 Bridge Street, Old Saybrook CT
Storms Irene and Sandy showed how storms can significantly alter the shoreline of Connecticut through flooding and erosion, much as the Hurricane of 1938 did. The impacts of climate change on municipalities are likely to result in more intense rainfall events, higher air and water temperatures, sea level rise leading to more vulnerable beaches and dunes, and increases to the land and infrastructure that could be inundated by rising sea levels and riverine flooding.
Juliana Barrett, PhD, will discuss the impacts of climate change on the Connecticut coast and Long Island Sound. Dr. Barrett will explore the dynamic Connecticut coast and how changes to the coast are increasing due to climate change. She will discuss current and projected climate change impacts for coastal communities and Long Island Sound over the next 50 years.
This event is limited to 50 attendees.
Food and a Cash Bar will be provided.
Must Register: Free - limited to 50 people - Register Here
Sponsored by Saybrook Point Resort and Marina, and Landtech.
Bio: Juliana Barrett is with the University of Connecticut Sea Grant College Program. Her work focuses on climate change adaptation and coastal habitat management working with Connecticut’s municipalities, NGO’s, state and federal partners and most recently, UConn undergrads through the Climate Corps program. Prior to coming to Sea Grant in 2006 she worked with CT DEP on management plans for state natural areas and for The Nature Conservancy as the Director of the Connecticut River Tidelands Last Great Places Program. She has a doctorate in plant ecology from the University of Connecticut and is a co-author of the Vegetation of Connecticut and several guides describing coastal habitats of Long Island Sound.
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
October 17 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Saybrook Point Resort and Marina
2 Bridge Street, Old Saybrook CT
Must Register: Free - limited to 50 people - Register Here
Contact Information
Pete Weiss
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