Peak Performance, LLC
Monday 8 AM - 6:30 PM, Wednesday 8 AM to 6:30 PM, Friday 8 AM to 5 PM Call for other hours available
Driving Directions:
By appointment only, please contact for directions
About Us
Nutrition and Fitness Counseling, Sports Nutrition, Weight Loss, Corporate Travelers, Nutrition for Musicians, Lifestyle Changes for Mid-Life.
I am a registered dietitian nutritionist, a board-certified sports dietitian, certified medical exercise specialist, personal trainer, and owner of Peak Performance, LLC, where I provide nutrition and fitness counseling with over 24 years of experience in private practice. I specialize in weight control, sports nutrition, prevention of obesity-related diseases, and I provide programs for musicians and corporate travelers. I live the active and healthy lifestyle I teach, it is my goal to help others achieve their optimal level of energy, performance, and personal weight and fitness goals! Please visit my website for a full bio.
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Rep/Contact Info

Kathy LaBella
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist - owner
- Phone: (860) 339-5493
- Fax: (860) 339-5493
- Send an Email