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No Shave CT 2024 Connecticut Cancer Foundation

No Shave CT 2024 Connecticut Cancer Foundation

Everyone has been affected by the devastating effects of cancer either personally or through close family or friends. Throughout the month of November, you will have the opportunity to ditch your razors, grow the world's greatest beard or mustache, and show support for Connecticut cancer patients. If you aren't allowed to grow your facial hair, or if you can't, you can still support those who are becoming hairy and show your support for CT cancer patients. It's not only about not shaving, it's about supporting cancer patients in our own communities. 100% of the money raised will be distributed to CT cancer patients and their caregivers in our state to assist with basic living expenses, such as rent, mortgage, utilities, and food. 

Anyone can participate in No Shave CT - just register your department / company / organization as a team.  Starting November 1, 2024, you can put that razor away! Participants can donate the money that they would have spent shaving in November and/or they can ask family, friends, and community members to support their efforts with a donation. There will be AMAZING prizes for the Overall Top Fundraising Team and the Top 3 Individual Fundraisers at the end of the month as well as weekly Top Fundraiser prizes!

Since 2017, No Shave CT has raised over $1.2 million!  (AMAZING!)  Our goal this year is to reach at least $300,000 in donations for No Shave CT- and EVERY DOLLAR will stay here in Connecticut, helping people who are bravely battling cancer. 


Meet Our No Shave CT 2024 Ambassadors!

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